The Seven Churches to whom our Lord writes stand (as Victorious, the first of all commentators on the Apocalypse,     says) for the entire Church, the complete society of the saved, the Church universal; and after the Lord’s unerring finger has separated its sanctified members from the unsanctified, the spiritual from the carnal, the conquerors from the conquered, He discloses stupendous glories and incalculable perils, both made wholly contingent on faithfulness or unfaithfulness, up to the moment of the Advent.  “The same exhortation at the close of all the seven epistles [to overcome] denotes the victory of a stedfast life of faith over temptations and trials, and over all adverse things in general” (Lange).  Throughout all the Letters it is “he that overcometh” not an overcoming church, nor even an overcoming group, but the solitary saint shining like a star above a corrupt church and a midnight world.  Seven times our Lord holds out peculiar glories matching exceptional nobility, and seven times the gravest warnings ever given to the servants of God.  In the words of Dean Alford:- “The power here spoken of is that which shall be conferred on the saints when they shall inherit the earth and reign with Christ in His [Millennial] Kingdom




The first Church named is Ephesus, and to its Angel He says:- “To him that overcometh” - a verb without an object; not an overcomer of some specific object only, but a victor altogether – “one who perseveres in his Christian course” (Moses Stuart): “to him” - throughout the overcomer is singled out with peculiar emphasis, to him, and to him only – “will I give to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God” (Rev. 2: 7). ‘Paradise’ is the abode of the blessed dead [in ‘Sheol’ / ‘Hades’], whither our Lord went [immediately after death] with the dying Thief: ‘the Paradise of God’ is Eden* - the sinless world (before Adam’s fall) to be ruled at last by sinless men.  In the words of Bengal:- “There is a remarkable difference between each address and each promise.  The address has immediate respect to the seven Churches in Asia, and consequently also to all Churches and pastors in all times and places: the promise, on the other hand, is given forth to all spiritual conquerors, not excluding those in Asia  So Lange :- “The ‘hidden manna’ represent a benefit pertaining to the future Kingdom of glory


[* “There can be no reference here to the lower Paradise in Hades”‑STEIR.]


The Crown


The only two churches which are without blame in the Letters are the only two which are warned of persecution; and the promise to the overcomer in Smyrna is the martyr’s crown.  “Be thou faithful unto death” - to the death-point, to resistance unto blood – “and I will give thee the crown of life: he that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death  A crown is the loftiest pinnacle of human glory: against, therefore, the supreme peril the Lord balances the supreme glory.  “Before the end,” as Dr. Steir says, “no man is crowned; although from the beginning, and throughout all the conflict, the crown is held out and exhibited as a reserved treasure  And against the terror of man the Lord balances the more awful terror of God: not, he shall have no part in the second death, for that is assured on saving faith; but shall not be hurt of it – “shall not be injured by it” (Dean Alford), in temporary castigation for such sin as apostasy.*  Smyrna’s is the martyr’s Letter and the martyr’s Crown.


[* “It is not asserted in this passage that the names of any who shall finally perish were ever entered in the Book of Life, nor is it necessarily implied” - MNGSTENBERG.]


A Secret Name


To the overcoming Pergamite is promised a reward second to none in its exquisite wonder: it is the loftiest peak of intimacy with God ever revealed in the Bible, and ever experienced in eternity.  “To him that overcometh, to him will I give of the hidden manna” - hidden because, as angels’ food (Ps. 78: 25) and the bread of heaven (Ps. 105: 40) it is at present invisible – “and I will give him a white stone” - white and lustrous, probably a diamond – “and upon the stone a new name written, which no one knoweth but he that receiveth it  This marvellous gift is probably a duplicate of the Urim and Thummim on which appears, in divine crystal vision, but seen by the High Priest alone, a new name expressive of a new blessedness, and the consequence of a new life kept now.  “A token of reward and approval from the Son of God” (Dean Alford), will be for ever a secret between the overcomer and his (or her) Lord; an innermost shrine known only to these two for all eternity.




The promise to Thyatira reveals the critically important truth that these promises and warnings are purely and solely Millennial. “He that overcometh, and he that keepeth” – “watchfully performs, obeys” (Moses Stuart) – “my works” - both the example and the precepts of Christ – “unto the end” - therefore the promises are never fulfilled in this life: “the end of trial or probation, or of life, is here meant” (Moses Stuart) – “to him mill I give authority over the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron”: “I will make him King” (Moses Stuart).  “He who conquers,” as Dr. Swete says, “is he who keeps: ‘works’ are in these addresses to the Churches constantly used as the test of character  That this royal rule is in the Millennium is certain from nations being shattered as pottery, “crushed or shivered, as multitudinous fragments collapsing into a heap” (Alford); for rebellious nations are unknown in the Eternal State.  “The iron sceptre,” says Dr. E. C. Craven, “is not promised to the Church Militant, as an organization, and not to individuals in the present state of conflict, but to those who, at the end, should appear as conquerors Or as Dr. Steir says:- “Assuredly it is the Millennial Kingdom to which all these promises point: that power over the nations is here held out to those who overcome as a reward is very plain


White Robes


The Sardian promise gives, more than any other, the direct relationship between sanctity and glory.  “He that overcometh shall thus be arrayed in white garments; and I will in no wise blot his name out of the book of life; and I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels In the words of Archbishop Trench:- “They who have kept their garments here, as a few in Sardis had done, shall have brighter garments given them,” glittering robes.  “The bright garments,” as Dr. Steir says, “are something other and greater than the clean, of which they are the reward Or as Dean Alford puts it:- “They have kept their garments undefiled; they of all others then are the persons who should walk in the glorious white robes of heavenly triumph


A New Name


The Philadelphian reward reveals peculiarly the stability of coming glory.  “He that overcometh, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go out thence no more”: expelled no more for ever, either by external foe or internal sin: “and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, and mine own new name The victor’s probation is finally over: stability in grace culminatds in stability in glory: more than a living stone quarried by grace for the heavenly Temple (1 Pet. 2: 4), he is its everlasting ornament and support.  “The promise is special, on the ground that the virtues in question are special” (Moses Stuart); for the promises appear to be distinct rewards for totally distinct services or sufferings; and he who keeps Christ’s property inviolable, is now himself, as the Lord’s supreme property, stamped all over - with His name - peculiarly His for ever.




The rewards (as Dr. Steir says) close on their highest peak: the severest rebuke of all is counterpoised by a promise which, as Dean Alford says, “gathers all the promises into one To the Laodicean Angel the Lord says:- “He that overcometh I will give to him to sit with me in my throne”; the Eastern throne is much ampler and broader than ours (Trench): “as I also” - as I correspondingly – “overcame, and sat down with my Father in his throne Our Lord’s throne, as separate from the Father’s, is purely and solely the Messianic, the Millennial: so the proof here is beyond challenge or doubt that to the overcomer alone belongs Millennial Royalty: none will ever share the throne of God and the Lamb.  The overcomer (our Lord says) conquers exactly as He did: that is, this royalty is not hereditary, but achieved by life-long sanctity.  Though the Angel is converted – “as many as I love I rebuke and chasten” (Rev. 3: 19), co-session on Messiah’s Throne is impossible so long as he is a lukewarm Laodicean, in momentary peril of being spewed out of the mouth of Christ.  This enthronement, as Moses Stuart says, “will be granted to all who prove to be final victors in the contest with the world, the flesh, and the devil An aged Peer said to Wilberforce:- “So you intend to be a reformer, young man: that - and he pointed to a picture of the Crucifixion - is the end of reformers “Is it?” replied Wilberforce: “I have read in an old Book this, - ‘I am he that liveth, and was dead, and behold I am alive for evermore That is the end, not death but dominion; and if we be faithful, it is co-session on the Throne


Hearing Ears


We do well to heed the warning of Hengsteriberg:- “So long as a man still lives on the earth, however far he may have attained, he cannot say, I have overcome To every one of the Seven Churches our Lord says:- “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith” - is saying – “to the churches.”*  Have we ears to hear?  An intelligent young woman once remarked that she became a Christian upon hearing her very first sermon; and yet she was not converted until she was twenty-one years of age, and she had been a church attendant from childhood.  She had heard hundreds of sermons, but until that sermon in her twenty-first year she had never heard one.  God grant us ears that hear.


[* Our Lord dictated the Letters to the Seven Churches: the Holy Spirit repeats them to all churches throughout all the world, in all time.]
