



[This tract should be read in conjunction with ‘Thirty Pieces of Silver’]


Dear reader, My Motto has always been: - In fundamentals, UNITY; in opinions, LIBERTY; in all things, CHARITY: These notes are given tentatively for your consideration and search, never believe anything you read or hear or sing until you test it by the Word of God, Acts 17: 11;1 Thess. 5: 20-21.  Unfortunately our minds have been case hardened by tradition, and it is a 1000 times harder to UNlearn than learn or relearn.


When we begin to think about Judas our minds are loaded against him by word and words we read about him.  Not for a second would we minimize his great sin, but let our bias minds be balanced.  The word ‘Judas’ according to the English dictionary means, a traitor, treachery, a stab in the back, but we should not be interested in the English, for the New Testament was written in Greek and it is what the Greek means that guides our minds.


Let us look then to the more difficult scriptures about Judas. Acts 1: 25. “…That he (Matthew) may take this place of deaconship and apostleship from which Judas stepped aside to go into his own place”, really “the own the place,” (no word for "his"), but of course we believe the only place for him is Hell*, but Scripture does not say that, we read it into it.  Hell and the lake of fire were prepared for the Devil and his angels, not for man, although the unregenerate will go there. Now believers are warned not to be hypocrites, Matt. 7:33; Romans 12;9; Gal. 2:13.  Even Barnabas and Peter were carried away with hypocrisy by the brethren from Jerusalem!  But we are reminded that God has a place for hypocrites, Matt. 24: 42-45.  Again God has a place for unprofitable servants, Matt. 25: 30; and for the unmerciful servant, and for the unforgiving brother, search and see!  But these are hard sayings, not hard to understand but hard to accept with our traditional minds and so we too fulfil John 6: 60 & 66.  Yes, we shall go to our own place, for God has left Himself 1000 years to deal with carnal believers. 2 Tim.2:10-13.


Next, Mark 14: 21; Matt. 26: 24; Luke 22: 22.  Good for that man he had never been born, Woe to that man, what a solemn and serious statement, but because we reject the warnings and threats of God to believers and pass them on to the sinners, we cannot accept Judas was a genuine believer, this is because we "gospelize" the scriptures which are addressed to the Christian! But look at these verses in Matt. 18: 5-6.  A brother who stumbles a young believer, it were good for him that a great millstone turned by an ass were hung around his neck and he cast into the depths of the open sea, 5 miles down, I ask you were it not good for him he had never been born?  Look at 2 Peter 3: 18-22, he is speaking about teachers who teach error, teach falsely, "better they had not fully known, experimentally the way of righteousness, then turn back from the holy commandments delivered to them, they are worsted and their last is become worse with them than their first."


Now let us examine the words that guide our thinking with regards to Judas, from the common translation used, the Authorized Version, we see Judas has no chance of ever being in heaven, he was born to be in Hell, the one designed to fulfil the prophecy of Psalm 41:9!  You would not believe that would you?  Nevertheless that is the result of the reading.




This Greek word occurs 121 times in the New Testament.  Mr. Darby's translation always translates this word by "delivered up" the Revised Version tells you it must always be translated "delivered up" so Panin's Numeric New Testament, so also Mr. Newberry, Rotherham and Kelly’s translations.  The Authorised Version always translates the word by "betray" but only when it relates to Judas, this occurs 36 times.  Why?  With Darby and R. V. "delivered up" occurs 98 times out of the 121.  "Give up" 10 times.  This word occurs in Romans 4:25; 8:32.  God PARADIDOMI His Son, delivered Him up.  The word occurs twice in Matt 26:14-16 and Judas says deliver Him to you, v.16 the word is translated "betray" and so in 1 Cor. 11: 23, “I received from the Lord that which I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the night he was betrayed took bread,” using betrayed when relating to Judas.  It is used in 1 Peter 2: 23. “He Committed = Paradidomi Himself to Him who judges justly




This word occurs 38 times in the New Testament, when it has the definite article "the" it is referring to the Devil himself as a person, this occurs 34 times.  Of the other 4 times, 3 times it is translated slanderer, that is the meaning of the word, the other time it is used is in John 6:70, and referring to Judas it is translated devil, why?.  The word in John is not a noun it is an adjective, a describing word, Judas is a slanderer.  The same old serpent who put the suggestion into Judas's heart entered Peter's also in Matt.16: 22-23.  “Get thee behind me Satan” = SATANAS.  He also entered the hearts of two other saints and they yielded, Ananias and Sapphira, “Satan has filled thy heart” Acts 5: 1; 1 Peter 5: 8.  Says, “Your Adversary the Devil = Diabolos goes about as a roaring lion seeking who he may devour. ” In 1 Cor. 11:14 Satan has fashioned himself as an angel of light .... In Luke 6: 16 the A. V. supports the false thought that Judas was always a traitor, even when Jesus choose him, and we believe it!  To me such a notion casts a shadow on the Saviour, to choose a man to fulfil the prophecy of Psalm 41:9.  “The friend of my bosom, the man of my peace, in whom I trusted, had confidence in, has lifted his heel against me,” (Jesus omitted "in whom I trusted")  He knew what was in man. Tell me, would you ever think there was a man born to be in Hell?  This would be the outcome of Judas, if he were to fulfil this prophecy, such reasoning must be false. Let me ask you some questions.  Was the Lord Jesus always flesh?  No, He became flesh.  He became something He was not before.  Was He always a curse?  No, He became a curse, something He was not before.  Was He always poor?  No, He became poor, something He was not before.  Was Judas always a traitor?, no, he became a traitor, something he was not before.  “Judas Iscariot who became a traitor,” (Greek) it was when the Devil entered his heart, from then he became a traitor, John 13:2. We [regenerate believers] are warned not to become traitors, slanderers in the last days 2 Tim. 3:1-5.

Did John fulfil God's purpose of Isa.40: 3?  Did Judas fulfil God's purpose of Ps.41: 9?



Psalm 41: 9; 2 Sam. 11: 3, 23: 34 is the type figured in Ahithophel.


Ahithophel, David’s own counsellor and familiar friend, was grandfather of Bath-sheba who delivered up David to Absalom; his counsel was not taken so he went out and hanged himself. (2 Sam. 17: 23.)  See 15: 12 for

(1) His Greatness

(2) His Grief. 11: 2-4.

(3) His Guilt 15: 12; 16: 20-23.

(4) His Grave. 17: 23.




Thirty pieces of silver for the Lord of life they gave;

Thirty pieces of silver only the price of a slave!

But this was the priestly value of the Holy One of God ;

And they weighed it out in the temple,

The price of the Saviour's blood.

Yes it may not be for silver, it may not be for gold,

But still by tens of thousands the Prince of life is sold,

Sold for a godless fliendship, sold for a selfish aim,

Sold for a fleeting trifle, sold for an empty name;


Sold in the mart of science, sold in the seat of power,

Sold at the shrine of fortune, sold in Pleasure's bower.

Sold where the awful bargain none but God's eye can see!

Ponder, my soul, the question: shall He be sold by thee?


Sold! 0 God, what a moment! Stifled is conscience' voice-


Sold! And a weeping angel records the fatal choice!


Sold! But the price accepted, To a living coal must turn,

With pangs of a late repentance deep in the soul to burn.

- William Blane.